UF Student Infosec Team

UF Student Infosec Team

The UF Student Infosec Team is the cybersecurity club at the University of Florida. We are student-led and passionate about all things cybersecurity. Our weekly meetings are a great place to learn, and often include presentations from club members and industry professionals on a wide array of security topics.

UFSIT was founded by Jordan Wiens and John Sawyer in 2006, shortly after their team’s win at the DEFCON 14 capture-the-flag competition. Several students approached Jordan and John, wanting to learn more about security, which led to the formation of the club.

Our goal is to provide a welcoming environment for students to learn more about all areas of information security, including topics such as penetration testing, reverse engineering, vulnerability research, digital forensics, and more

There are plenty of ways to get involved with UFSIT — our weekly meetings are a great place to learn about new topics, which you can put to use when playing capture the flag over the weekends, or even during larger national competitions like CCDC.

  • Weekly Meetings: UFSIT hosts weekly club meetings every Thursday from 6:00–7:00 PM in CSE 231. These meetings often include presentations from club members and industry professionals on a variety of security topics. If you’re looking to get started in cybersecurity, our meetings are a great way to get exposed to and learn about the numerous disciplines in the cybersecurity field.
  • Capture the Flag: Our club members regularly compete in online capture the flag (CTF) events — under the team name Kernel Sanders — where participants compete against other teams to solve challenges related to reverse engineering, binary exploitation, web security, and more. These events are a great way to learn and sharpen your skills.
  • Official Competitions: For more serious competition, UFSIT participates in national events such as the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC) and the Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition (CPTC). We are always looking for new members to add value to our teams.

For more information check out the UFSIT web page: