2016 FICS Research Conference

2016 FICS Research Conference


Title: Heart-to-Devices (H2D) Authentication: Challenges and Solutions
Authors: Zimu Guo and Nima Karimian

Title: ProvUSB: Block-level Provenance for USB Storage Devices
Authors: Dave (Jing) Tian and Adam Bates

Title: Boxed Out: Blocking Cellular Interconnect Bypass Fraud at the Network Edge
Author: Bradley Reaves,, Adam Bates, and Henry Carter

Title: DSeRC: Design Security Rule Check
Authors: Adib Nahiyan and Gustavo Contreras

07:30-08:30amRegistration and Breakfast
08:30-08:45amIntroductory and Welcome Remarks
Dr. Forrest Masters, Associate Dean for Research and Facilities, UF
Dr. John Harris, ECE Department Chair, UF.
Dr. Juan Gilbert, CISE Department Chair, UF
Session 1Plenary Session
Session Chair: Patrick Traynor, University of Florida
08:45-09:20am1st Keynote Address: Dhinesh Manoharan, Director, Product Security Engineering, Intel, Title: IOT Security: Navigating a Perfect Storm
09:25-10:00am2nd Keynote Address: Nayeem Islam, VP, Qualcomm, Title: Intelligent Pre-emptive Security on mobile devices
10:00-10:20amIsaac Cohen, Director, United Technology Research Center, Title: Cyber Physical Systems Security
Session 2Session Chair: Jia Di, University of Arkansas
10:50-11:10amDaniel Marrujo, Lead Microelectronics Reliability Engineer, Defense Microelectronics Activity, Title: Current Challenges for Integrated Circuit Security.
11:10-11:30amRon Perez, Systems Security Fellow at Cryptography Research, Inc., Title: An industry view on the progression to System on Chip Roots of Trust.
11:30-11:50amMatthew Scholl, Deputy Division Chief, Computer Security Division, NIST, Title: NIST Cybersecurity Activities, Now and in the Future
Session Chair: Navid Asadi, University of Florida
Lunch Speaker: Swarup Bhunia, FICS, University of Florida, Title: Authentication: from Microchip to Medicine.
Session 3Session Chair: Chris Daverse, SRC
01:20-01:55pm3rd Keynote Address: Joe Jarzombek, Global Manager, Software Supply Chain, Synopsys Software Integrity Group, Title: Mitigating Risks Attributable to Supply Chain Processes and Products: addressing the most exploitable vectors of attack.
02:00-02:20pmJason Morrow, Walmart Technology –  Security Operations Center, Title: Security Operations Centers – Key Success Factors
02:20-02:40pmMike Strizich, President, Micronet Solutions, Inc., Title: Reverse Engineering State of the Art Challenges
02:40-03:00pmJonathon D. Mellott, Ph.D., CTO, The Athena Group, Title: Threats and Countermeasures: Strategies for Evolutionary Delivery of Security Capabilities.
03:00-04:00pmStudent Poster Session, Demos
Session Chair: Patrick Traynor, University of Florida
04:00-05:30pmPanel 1: Cyber Physical Systems Security: What are the Challenges and Best Practices? Moderator: Ken Heffner (Honeywell)Panelists: Kevin Butler (UF), Isaac Cohen (UTRC), Marco Carvalho (FIT), Selcuk Uluagac(FIU)

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

07:30-08:30amRegistration and Breakfast
Session 4Session Chair: Sohrab Aftabjahani, Intel
08:30-09:00am4th Keynote Address: Jason Sanabia, President and CEO, Raith America, Inc. Title: Reversing the Lenses of the SEM for Nanotechnology, and Now Back Again for Reverse Engineering.
09:00-09:20amSerge Leef, Vice President, New Ventures, Mentor Graphics, Title: Fortifying Supply Chain Through Secure SoC Design
09:20-09:40amBill Eklow, Distinguished Engineer, Cisco, Title: Mitigating Boundary-scan attacks by applying IJTAG architecture and protocol to traditional 1149.1 Boundary-scan.
09:40-10:00amDomenic Forte, FICS, University of Florida, Title: Human-to-Device Authentication
10:00-10:30am Break
Session 5Session Chair: Richard Vigeant, Draper
10:30-10:50amBrian Murray, Director, Zf TRW, Title: Challenges in Automotive Security
10:50-11:10amYier Jin, University of Central Florida, Title: IOT Security: From Hacking to Defense
11:10-11:30amDavid Ott, Research Director, University Research Office, Intel Labs, Title: IOT Security Challenges and Intel University Research Initiatives.
11:30-11:50pmArnett Brown, Senior Lead Engineer, Booze Allen Hamilton (BAH), Title: The DARPA SHIELD Program.
11:50-01:20pmLunch, Award Presentation
Lunch Speaker:
Carlos Aguayo Gonzalez, CTO, PFP Cybersecurity, Title: PFP: IoT Security from Cradle to Grave
Session 6Session Chair: Fareena Saqib, Florida Institute of Technology (FIT)
01:20-01:40pmJanice Meraglia, Vice President, Government And Military Programs at Applied DNA Sciences, Applied DNA Science, Title: Proactive Cyber Physical Protection Using DNA
01:40-02:00pmRichard Newell, Microsemi, Title: Secure Production Programming of FPGAs.
02:00-02:20pmDaniela Oliveira, FICS, University of Florida, Title: Inconsistent Deception at the Operating system Level as Adjuvant Therapy Against Advanced Persistent Threats.
02:20-02:40pm Tom Shrimpton, FICS, University of Florida, Title: Making Square Pegs Round with Format-Transforming Encryption
02:40-03:10pmStudent Poster Session, Demos
03:10-04:40pmPanel 2: Cybersecurity Metrics and Standards: Why they have been a challenge? Moderator: TBAPanelists: Tony Jeffs (Cisco), Prabhat Mishra (UF), Matt Casto (AFRL), Apostol Vassilev (NIST), Steve Trimberger (Xilinx)
04:40-05:00pmConcluding Remarks

Poster Presentations

Poster #Poster TitleAuthors
1Title: A Comprehensive Solution for Defending IoT Supply ChainAuthors : Kun Yang, Domenic Forte, and Mark M. Tehranipoor
2Title: The Case for Unpredictability and Deception as OS FeaturesAuthors: Ruimin Sun, Andrew Lee, Sandhya Vinjam, Donald Porter (Stony Brook), Matt Bishop (UC Davis), Daniela Oliveira.
3Title: The Case for Provenance as a First Class Citizen in Operating SystemsAuthors: Adam Bates and Kevin R.B. Butler
4Title: SSL Certificate Verification Enhancements for the ServerAuthors: Grant Hernandez, Adam Bates, and Kevin R.B. Butler
5Title: ProvUSB: Block-level Provenance for USB Storage Devices.Authors: Dave (Jing) Tian (University of Florida), Adam Bates (University of Florida), Kevin Butler (University of Florida), Raju Rangaswami (Florida International University).
6Title: Impact of X-ray Tomography on the Reliability of FPGAs.Authors: Md Mahbub Alam, Navid Asadizanjani, Mark Tehranipoor, and Domenic Forte
7Title: Non-destructive PCB Reverse Engineering Using X-ray Tomography.Authors: Navid Asadizanjani, Domenic Forte, Mark Tehranipoor
8Title: Heart-to-Devices (H2D) Authentication: Challenges and SolutionsAuthors: Zimu Guo, Nima Karimian, Mark M. Tehranipoor and Domenic Forte
9Title: Design of Low-Cost Memory-Based Security Primitives and Techniques for High-Volume Products.Authors: Md. Tauhidur Rahman, Zimu Guo, Domenic Forte and Mark Tehranipoor.
10Title: Secure split-test for Preventing Distribution of Unlicensed and Rejected ICs by Untrusted Foundry and Assembly.Authors: Md. Tauhidur Rahman, Gustavo K. Contreras, Domenic Forte, and Mark Tehranipoor.
11Title: Techniques to Improve RO-PUF Robustness Against Environmental Variations and Aging.Authors: Md. Tauhidur Rahman, Fahim Rahman, Domenic Forte, and Mark Tehranipoor.
12Title: Secure Vulnerability Analysis of Design-for-Test Exploits for Asset Protection.Authors: Gustavo K. Contreras, Adib Nahiyan, Dominic Forte, Mark Tehranipoor.
13Title: DSeRC: Design Security Rule Check.Authors: Adib Nahiyan, Kan Xiao, Gustavo Contreras, Domenic Forte and Mark Tehranipoor.
14Title: Lightweight On-Chip Sensors for Combating Recycled ICs.Authors: Bicky Shakya, Ujjwal Guin, Mark Tehranipoor, Domenic Forte
15Title: Trust-Hub: Development of Trust Benchmarks, Trojan Benchmarks, and Hardware Validation Platforms.Authors: Miao (Tony) He, Bicky Shakya, Rahul Vittal, Domenic Forte, and Mark Tehranipoor
16Title: Randomness at Materials Level: poly-Si for Physical unclonable functions (PUFs).Authors: Haoting Shen, Fahim Rahman, Bicky Shakya, Domenic Forte, Mark Tehranipoor
17Title: The Frigate Compiler for Secure Computation.Authors: Benjamin Mood, Debayan Gupta, Henry Carter, Kevin Butler, and Patrick Traynor.
18Title: Tracking Data Flow in Soft IPs through Structural Checking Tool.Authors: Thao Le and Jia Di.
19Title: Keeping an Eye Out for Blindspots.Authors: Olabode Anise, Rad Akefirad, Donovan Ellis, Yuriy Brun, Justin Cappos, Natalie Ebner, Daniela Oliveira, and Yanyan Zhuang.
20Title: *Droid: Assessment and Evaluation of Android Application Analysis ToolsAuthors: Bradley Reaves, Jasmine Bowers, Sigmond Albert Gorski III, Olabode Anise, Rahul Bobhate, Raymond Cho, Hiranava Das, Sharique Hussain, Hamza, Karachiwala, Nolen Scaife, Byron Wright, Kevin Butler, William Enck, Patrick Traynor
21Title: Spear Phishing Emails: User Age Influences Susceptibility to Psychological Weapons of Influence.Authors: Huizi Yang, Sandeep Dommaraju, Harold Rocha, Devon Weir, Donovan Ellis, Melis Muradoglu, Daniela Oliveira and Natalie Ebner.
22Title: Threshold defined logic engines and applications.Authors: Anirudh Iyengar and Swaroop Ghosh.
23Title: Security and privacy issues of non-volatile memories and solutions.Authors: Nitin Rathi and Swaroop Ghosh.
24Title: Multi-Dimension Self-Referencing for Golden Free Trojan Detection under Process Noise.Authors: Tamzidul Hoque, Robert Karam, Swarup Bhunia.
25Title: Remote Authentication Scheme to Prevent Physical Tampering of PCB.Authors: Shuo Yang, Tamzidul Hoque, Swarup Bhunia.
26Title: Current-based PUF Implemented into MemoryAuthors: Fengchao Zhang, Shuo Yang, Swarup Bhunia.
27Title: Comprehensive Security Analysis of Commercial and Industrial Internet of Things Devices.Authors: Jacob Wurm and Yier Jin.
28Title: Hardware-Supported Cross-Layer Cybersecurity Solutions.Authors: Orlando Arias and Yier Jin.
29Title: Emerging Devices in Hardware Security Applications Beyond PUF.Authors: Kaveh Shamsi and Yier Jin.
30Title: Trust Validation of Hardware Intellectual Property (IP) Cores.Authors: Farimah Farahmandi and Prabhat Mishra.
31,32Title: Personalized Security for Advanced Persistent Threats: From Detecting Host Atypical Behavior to Generating People’s and Group’s Signatures Authors: Aokun Chen1, Pratik Brahma1, Sai Srivatsav Durgam1, Brandon Mathews2, Dapeng Wu1, Daniela Oliveira1, Jed Crandall3, Michalis Faloutsos4, Xuetao Wei5
1. University of Florida 2. MIT Lincoln Laboratory 3. University of New Mexico 4. University of California Riverside 5. University of Cincinnati
33Title: Trace Buffer Attack and Countermeasures.Authors: Yuanwen Huang and Prabhat Mishra.
34Title: Trojan Attacks and Trojan-Resilient Design in FPGA.Authors: Sanchita Mal-Sarkar (Cleaveland State University)
35Title: Boxed Out: Blocking Cellular Interconnect Bypass Fraud at the Network EdgeAuthors: Bradley Reaves, Ethan Shernan, Adam Bates, Henry Carter and Patrick Traynor
36Title: CryptoLock (and Drop It): Stopping Ransomware Attacks on User Data.Authors: Nolen Scaife, Henry Carter, Patrick Traynor, Kevin Butler.
37Title: FICS Experimental Lab Facilities.Authors: Navid Asadizanjani, Domenic Forte, Mark Tehranipoor.
38Title: An online database for counterfeit defects.Authors: Navid Asadizanjani, Domenic Forte, Mark Tehranipoor.