Meltdown and Spectre bugs highlight importance of field
Physical Attacks and Inspection of Electronics
Dr. Navid Asadi Teaches New Innovative Course
Ulbert “Joey” Botero NSF GRFP Awardee
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow
Gilbert Awarded 2018 CRA A. Nico Habermann Award
This prestigious award highlights outstanding individuals who have made invaluable contributions
FICS Conference Poster & Demo Winners
Students shared there innovative solutions pertaining to cybersecurity
Faculty Spotlight Dr. Tom Shrimpton
The well traveled professor discusses his long term research goals
Future of Cybersecurity Depends on Collaboration Between Industry, Academia and Government
UF President Kent Fuchs welcomed more than 230 attendees to the 2018 FICS Conference on Cybersecurity
FICS Faculty advances Hardware Security Internationally
“It is great to witness a healthy trend being established and I am grateful to have the ability to assist in building…” Dr. Yier Jin.
Dr. Mark Tehranipoor Elevated to IEEE Fellow
Dr. Tehranipoor has had an exemplary year of achievements
Dr. Kevin Butler HWCOE Award Recipient
Dr. Kevin Butler receives the prestigious HWCOE International Educator of the Year Award