FICS Research Conference Demo Competition Winners

The first-ever FICS Research demo competition took place at this year’s annual Conference on Cybersecurity. Judging by the amount of entries and the enthusiasm with which it was received by students and conference attendees alike, a new tradition has been born.

The four winners below were chosen as exemplars of criteria such as innovation, contribution to the field or humanity and potential impact  -of social, industrial, commercial, and/or economic import.

Leo Babun: A System-Level Framework to Detect Compromised Smart Grid Devices

Zimu Guo: FFD: A Framework for Fake Flash Detection.

Tamzidul Hoque: Spatial and Temporal Self-Referencing for Golden Free Hardware Trojan Detection Under Process Noise.


Jason Vosatka and Shuo Yang: Hardware Hacking Security Education Platform (HaHa SEP).