FICS Research Ph.D. Students Win Awards at 2016 SRC TECHON

Three FICS Research doctoral students were recognized with Best In Session Awards at this year’s SRC TECHON in Austin, Texas. The Semiconductor Research Company (SRC) is a world class technology research consortium with highly regarded university research programs. Each year its national conference showcases the best of research sponsored by its members, as well as the students performing research in participating universities.

This year’s winners included our own (as pictured above):

Md Tauhidur Rahman – SRAM Inspired Design and Optimization for Developing Robust Security Primitives.

Mentored and supervised by Professors Mark Tehranipoor and Domenic Forte.


Mehdi Sadi – BIST-RM: BIST-Assisted Reliability Management of SoCs Using On-Chip Clock Sweeping and Machine Learning.

Mentored and supervised by Professor Mark Tehranipoor.


Gustavo Contreras- Munoz – Deterministic Vector Analysis and Seed Extraction for LBIST

Mentored and supervised by Professor Mark Tehranipoor.


For more information about SRC, click HERE.