Associate Professor and FICS member Kevin Butler, along with his co-principal investigators, FICS co-director Patrick Traynor and CISE faculty My Thai and Prabhat Misra, was awarded a $200K grant from the Army Research Office on developing research capabilities in cyber-physical systems at the University of Florida. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) play a large role in our daily lives, from helping deliver power to households and industry to being found in medical devices and the Internet of Things. Understanding how CPS differs from traditional security and the new challenges that securing these systems will pose is a major effort of this grant, which will involve setting up a demonstration-caliber testbed with real equipment and advanced simulators to model security incidents and breaches, and the consequences of failure in these environments. These efforts will not only lead to innovative new research within FICS but also help educate graduate and undergraduate students through hands-on exercises and demonstrations of the need for protecting these new and critically important environments.