This August at the 2015 USENIX Security Symposium, the top conference in systems security, three papers from FICS researchers will be presented. The symposium was highly selective with only 67 papers accepted out of 426 submissions, less than a 16% acceptance rate. The accepted papers are:
“Mo(bile) Money, Mo(bile) Problems: Analysis of Branchless Banking Applications in the Developing World” by Bradley Reaves, Nolen Scaife, Adam Bates, Patrick Traynor, and Kevin Butler
“Trustworthy Whole-System Provenance for the Linux Kernel” by Adam Bates, Dave Tian, Kevin Butler, and Thomas Moyer
“Boxed Out: Blocking Cellular Interconnect Bypass Fraud at the Network
Edge” by Bradley Reaves, Ethan Shernan, Adam Bates, Henry Carter, and Patrick Traynor
Congratulations to all of the authors for this achievement!